Our Programs

Each of our programs use specialised techniques to:

  • Develop memory
  • Develop a positive attitude
  • Develop learning style & ability
  • Develop knowledge
  • Develop a fun approach to learning

*Programs are supported through self-funded NDIS participants
*Programs are connected to the Australian Curriculum

Cognitive Sensory & Life skills learning Support

  • WRITING: Using senses to write to the 10 criterion of the English written language
  • READING: Using senses for decoding, blending, fluency & comprehension
  • SPELLING: Create an internal sensory approach to learning and memorising spelling
  • NUMERACY: Build mental and written strategies to learning the basic life principals of math (Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) (Percentage, Fraction, Decimal) & many more


  • Positive role modelling
  • Build self-esteem & confidence
  • Develop positive behaviours, attitudes and ability to build relationships
  • Learn self-regulation techniques to reduce the power of negative emotions
  • Partake in sporting activities to build fine & gross motor abilities
  • Work towards developing more flexible personality traits (meta-programs)
  • Build rapport through shared interests by going to events, enjoying hobbies, etc

Online Options

  • Connect online through video chat
  • Great for hard to reach locations and need for flexible timing
  • Perfect for developing mental learning strategies and distant mentoring

Defeating the disability?

With a rapid development in knowledge, sciences and technology, defeating and overcoming disabilities is becoming more and more available. Neurosciences and neurotherapies are constantly being developed and improved, making it easier to diminish disabilities and improve brain function.

For more information, contact Train My Brain