Learning2learn Philosophy

The Philosophy

Train My Brain’s teaching and learning practices are based on Terrence Kostantakis’s method of Learning2learn. Learning2learn was created through the combination of neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive sensory development and teaching experience.


  • What to teach
  • Assess
  • Report
  • How to teach

NLP & Cognitive Senses

  • How the brain works
  • Assessing sensory systems
  • Catering learning to each individual
  • Connect the links in the brain for maximum functionality

“Once a person knows how to learn, a person can learn anything”– Terrence Kostantakis

Have you ever learnt something really easily, and then tried to learn something else and couldn’t? Ever wonder why?

A strong reason could be the way it was taught, or even the way your brain tried to learn and interpret the data. Train My Brain determines the way your brain is wired using Learning2learn techniques, teaching your brain how to learn. Once you know how to learn, then you can learn anything!

Through the Learning2learn program you will:

  •   Learn to learn based on how your brain is wired
  •   Develop your brains ability to learn
  •   Strengthen short and long term memory
  •   Become an independent learner

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